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The Best Advice

“Whatever He says to you, do it”
John 2:5

I have received some great advice from some wise and godly people over the years:

  • “For every dollar you borrow you have to make two to pay it back.” (Dick Caddock)

  • “Crawl up on your Heavenly Father’s lap and tell Him exactly what you want.” (Jo Stone)

  • “You can never go wrong working hard.” (Bill Sandborg)

But maybe the best advice I’ve ever read came from the lips of a Jewish mother, a pretty extraordinary Jewish mother—Mary, the mother of Jesus.

She had turned to Jesus, her oldest son, to help her in a very real personal crisis. The wedding she was coordinating had run out of wine. This was a huge embarrassment for Mary, a social disaster. So, as she had been doing since her husband Joseph had died, she reported the problem to Jesus.

But Jesus replied that He just couldn’t fulfill this role any more because He was launching His public ministry as the Son of God and Savior of the world.

So Mary turned to the servants and said,
“Whatever He says to you, do it.” (John 2:5)

Sure enough, when they obeyed Jesus’ command to pour water in the purification water pots, and Jesus turned the water into 120 gallons of the finest wine the wedding party had ever tasted!

It’s great advice. If you do what Jesus says, He will turn your water to wine. He will take your heartaches, your fears, your plans and your dreams and transform them according to His purposes...if you do what He says.

What is that one part of your life you would most want Jesus to change? Turn to His word to see what He has said. And do it!