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Counting the Real Cost of Failed Church Leadership

If a staff member of a church suddenly leaves because of a “different philosophy of ministry”, the people sitting in the pew know better and may never trust leaders to tell the truth again.

If someone switches to another church because an entitled member was rude or dismissive, it removes the privilege of building into their lives the truths you passionately believe Jesus values.

If a kid has a lousy teacher or is bullied through Vacation Bible School because you didn’t have the courage to tell someone they’re simply not equipped to work with children, it might wound him for years, decrease his walk with Christ through life and diminish the benefit that dear man would bring to the kingdom for eternity..

Deluges begin with a dribble; kitchens flood when small leaks are ignored.

This may be the greatest challenge I face as I beg leaders and churches to let me in to what any objective observer would count as the beginning of the undoing of the leadership culture.

“It’s not that bad. We just need to trust God over time.”

The short term impact of toxic leadership cultures and self-protective decisions of church pastors, staff, and elders is outstripped by the tragic long term effects. Churches split, leaders fall, discouraged saints throw up their hands and decide that church isn’t for them. And, most tragically, we lose the next generation.

Multiplied over time, small mistakes and irritating tensions become huge problems and fractured relationships.

Church leader, don’t underestimate the unhealthiness of your situation.

I can help. Contact me.