What We Believe

We believe God has called Recentered Group to help churches establish environments of grace, based upon relationships of trust.



…all is grace—Christians are declared righteous the moment they believe and are made new, with a new identity, a new power, a new community, and a new destiny.

…the Bible teaches three change agents in the lives of believers—the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit, and community.

…the number one validator of the message of Jesus Christ is the unity of His followers.

…the health of the church will determine the sustainable success of the church as Jesus defines success—the Great Commission (make disciples) and the Great Commandment (love one another).

…the health of the leaders will determine the health of the church.

…only community, guided by the Word of God and empowered by the Spirit of God, can protect us from our blind spots and weaknesses.

…each one of us is the least qualified person to protect ourselves from our own weaknesses.

…most Christian leaders live unaware of their blind spots and weaknesses that are undermining their impact while, sadly, those who serve with them are preoccupied with these frustrating weaknesses.

…conflict resolution is no more than a band-aid and that Jesus calls us to the healing of personal reconciliation, which requires forgiveness and repentance.

…churches should intentionally affirm the strengths of leaders and agree that these strengths and gifts should be released to the benefit of the church and the Kingdom.

We had no idea how sick we were.


Ed’s the friend every pastor longs for.



You bring a calming influence to our leaders as we navigate the white water of tough times.


Your insights and guidance rescued our church from a split.



It’s as if someone told you our morbid history before you came along. You just know what causes churches to become toxic with politics.